Part 1. Unleashing your Creative Power

13th – 14th April 2024

Over these years we have had to deal with aspects of what we call the ‘darker’ side of reality. Now whether we wish to acknowledge, or even resist this by ignoring it and instead focus on ‘love and light’, it does indeed influence us on both a collective and an individual level. Avoidance or ignorance offers no defence, in this milieu an inner awareness is the key.

The polarisation in our culture and outlook on life which we are experiencing at this time is part of this. This polarisation is in part generated by a rise for many people in higher order of consciousness, and this creates a perfect opposition. The opposition manifests in the world around us as racism, religious intolerance, extreme nationalism, destruction of the natural world, ecological damage, ignorance, violence, and abuse, all of these being aspects of a lower consciousness. This volatile and combustible mixture affect us all in different ways, and we need to be aware of this and avoid being sucked into a downward spiral. Some of the ways this can impact us is in feeling unsettled, tetchy, being persistently listless, feeling an underlying anger, and being susceptible to low level infections as our vitality and immune system is affected by this negative energy. Feeling depressed, increased anxiety, addictions to food and alcohol, are all a part of this. Yes, it is a messy situation for sure, however I am not in any way suggesting this is all doom and gloom. I see this as a natural manifestation of this low order energy rising for release. Yes, it’s a raw, even a painful process as all deep healing is, however it is incumbent upon us to do what we can to keep our personal energetic integrity whole and vital, not only for ourselves but for people around us. We have to start with the self.

The question arises, “How do I begin this?” Mythology and the archetypal tales of those that led the way can provide beacons of illumination. Although this for sure inspires you, only you can do this, and nobody else can. Rest assured that it won’t be a loving government or an institutional authority that can guide you in this, but precisely the opposite, you and you alone have to find the untrodden path. This what is called in shamanic terms “The Way of the Soul Warrior”. Warrior is not about fighting or being a soldier in battles. To a shaman, Warrior means something very different: it is a person who accepts responsibility for their actions and does not blame others for failure. A warrior is ultimately a person who knows that all of life is a rite of passage and embraces it fully from this perspective. You are the bearer of your personal redemption. Sharing your wisdom, your mistakes, successes, and experience is how you will truly become a person whose life nurtures and fertilizes the spirit of your family and community.

On this workshop, you develop the connection to the Higher Order Consciousness. This Higher Order knows everything about our life path, authentic self and our soul growth. The more we can engage with this aspect of divine consciousness the more we can see and learn from the unfolding of our life path.

This is not a workshop to learn ‘how to be creative’, the notion that we have to learn creativity is a disempowering misnomer. By our intrinsic nature we are all creative. Creativity is the essence of the human experience, but for many of us, due to the vicissitudes of life, our education, and the institutional homogenising culture our creative energy has been stifled and has generated an artificial boundary between our authentic-self and our creative source.

On this workshop, we will look into our respective inner worlds, and identify what is within us that resonates with this volatile and negative field of energy. I call this our ‘inner-brujeria’. In my experience this (so within, so without) lies at the very root of our entanglement with this ‘outer field of dissonance’. This workshop without a doubt will both challenge and push you to confront the wounded aspects of self in order for these to be healed, however the results from this Act of Power, or Warrior Endeavour will benefit you and by extension others.

On this workshop we work intensively with the following practices and empowerments;

  • Meeting your Spirit Guides and learning how to cooperate with them and become a channel for this divine energy.
  • The First Empowerment – Clearing energy obstacles empowerment
  • Whirlpool release of unwanted and inappropriate energy
  • Identifying dysfunctional cords and attachments to people
  • The Second Empowerment – Discover a symbol of your creative energy. This symbol is your greatest personal potential and it will be a magnet for your creative consciousness.
  • Maintaining a ‘hygienic’ energy environment

Cost of weekend non-residential workshop: 250 Euros

Booking Deposit: 100 Euros

For details and booking contact Aurel Mocanu, 0722 539123,