The wound is the place where the Light enters you. Rumi
It is surely clear to many people who are committed to personal spiritual development that the times we are currently living in are forcing us to change and transform at many levels. Change is never easy, we have to take a hard and honest look into the mirror and both see and acknowledge that which is unresolved within us. To change we have to let go, and just like the snake, shed the skin in order to grow.
“The Way of the Soul Warrior”. Warrior is not about fighting or being a soldier in battles. To a shaman, Warrior means something very different: it is a person who accepts responsibility for their actions and does not blame others for failure. A warrior is ultimately a person who knows that all of life is a rite of passage and embraces it fully from this perspective. You are the bearer of your personal redemption. Sharing your wisdom, your mistakes, successes, and experience is how you will truly become a person whose life nurtures and fertilizes the spirit of your family and community.
One of the most challenging Acts of Power is Forgiveness. When we forgive another person for the hurt and pain that they have caused us, it is not about this person per se, it is about ourselves. When we forgive, we release and let go of an energy that has entangled us into a difficult relationship dynamic, in effect we let go of a burden that weighs us down. This dissonant energy is a block to our compassion, and our ability to love. From this we gain the power to move on with our life.
The beautiful thing is that when we can sincerely forgive we are offered the gift to learn much about ourselves that would not have been possible without the other person being as a mirror for our soul. This also has an effect on the person at a higher level, he or she is also released from this entanglement, and it is akin to the ‘tug o’ war’ where one party releases the rope, and with it the tension. This often opens the door to self-forgiveness, and then we can actually be thankful for this experience, and understand it as a gift for revealing the treasure of our inner beauty.
One of the many teachings that I have gained from working with plants over many years, is that they serve you, but not how you would think. As an illustration of this, a plant that will give you a sense of peace, tranquillity, harmony, and zen-like serenity. For sure this sounds great, doesn’t it? So, let’s call this plant the ‘Zen Plant’ and if dieted properly, can in fact drive you wild with anger, agitation, and bring about great disturbance. Why is this? What went wrong here? Well absolutely nothing is wrong, the spirit of the Zen Plant is serving you perfectly by showing you and dramatically presenting what it is that prevents you unconsciously or emotionally from experiencing this state of serenity. It’s not easy but ever so revealing and healing.
This workshop will without a doubt challenge and push you to confront the wounded aspects of self in order for these to be healed, however the results from this Act of Power, or Warrior Endeavour will benefit you and by extension others.
Acest atelier vă va provoca fără îndoială și vă va împinge să vă confruntați cu aspectele rănite ale sinelui pentru ca acestea să fie vindecate. Astfel, rezultatele acestui Act de Putere sau Efort Războinic vă vor aduce beneficii și vouă și, prin extensie, altora.
Identify what no longer serves us
We continue to develop our connection to the Higher Order Consciousness. This Higher Order knows everything about our life path, authentic self and our soul growth. The more we can engage with this aspect of divine consciousness the more we can see and know that the vicissitudes of life in many respects exist to reveal the unfolding of our life path, and spiritual growth.
Recognise the most subtle and sublime of our gifts
Forgiveness – The Shedding of the skin
We look into our respective inner worlds, and identify what and who we need to forgive. We also discover the meaning and soul purpose for this situation. We may also obtain the realisation that this encounter was agreed upon at a pre-incarnation soul level. From this we know we can be indeed thankful or this experience, and be empowered to move on our life path with beauty. We discuss the power of ceremony, and how we can harness a personal Forgiveness Ceremony that you can do before the next week’s session.
Manifesting your Dream
This is the part of the soul’s journey that we are going to explore and discover on this workshop. Namely, what is my heart’s dream? How do I manifest my heart’s dream, and what stops me from doing this? If you feel that this is something that calls you, then please join us on this voyage of inner discovery.
Cost of weekend non-residential workshop: 250 Euros
Booking Deposit: 100 Euro
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