Tag archive for visionary plants

Pablo Amaringo Art on Sedona Journal of Emergence July 2014 Issue

Nukño Machashka (Dulce Vision) by Pablo Amaringo   Here you can see pure joy emanating from a chant below and the effect it has in other spiritual dimensions shown in the spheres above. When the spirits begin to chant, it is not only audible in…

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Medicine for the Soul | Plant Spirit Medicine of the AmazonMedicine for the Soul | Plant Spirit Medicine of the Amazon

Medicine for the Soul | Plant Spirit Medicine of the Amazon Article first published in Sacred Hoop Magazine Issue 41 2003. In the Amazonian tradition working with planta maestras (teacher plants) is known as the Diet. The working can be seen as a conscious body…

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Trueno Ayahuasca | by Pablo AmaringoTrueno Ayahuasca | by Pablo Amaringo

Trueno (Thunder) Ayahuasca is a variety of ayahuasca liana which can be seen growing from two Shipibo pots and forms two pillars which support a splendid palace of learning. People who learn here open their arms and says ‘blessed ayahuasca you are my teacher’, and…

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Sumak Ňusta | by Pablo AmaringoSumak Ňusta | by Pablo Amaringo

Sumak Ňusta  (Hermosa Doncella) by Pablo Amaringo She is a fairy from the Aquarius constellation and she stands in front of a celestial temple inspiring love, beauty, and gentleness. In her hand she holds a jar of aromatic balsam, and flowing from this are iridescent…

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Pablo Amaringo’s Foreword to the book ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’Pablo Amaringo’s Foreword to the book ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’

“My most sublime desire, though, is that every human being should begin to put as much attention as he or she can into the knowledge of plants, because they are the greatest healers of all. And all human beings should also put effort into the…

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Plant Spirit Shamanism Amazon Retreat November 2014

 A 14 day retreat with Howard G Charing, co-author of ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’ and ‘The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo’. We will be working at the Amaru Spirit Centre. During the two week Retreat (10 days in the lodge) we will be offering five Ayahuasca…

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Ayahuasca Vision Art Print by Howard G CharingAyahuasca Vision Art Print by Howard G Charing

Ayahuasca vision – the geometric form of plants. Acrylic on canvas   Ayahuasca vision – the geometric form of plants. Acrylic on canvas

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Ayahuasca Inspired Art: Howard G Charing

Ayahuasca Inspired Art: Howard G Charing November 2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 90cm x 70cm  

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Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul – Book Extract

  Plant Spirit Shamanism with a foreword by Pablo Amaringo  takes readers into realms that defy rational logic and scientific theory, showing graphically that we humans are not the only intelligent life on this planet. From their extensive travels to indigenous cultures that understand life…

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Evolver Intensives: Plant Spirit Shamanism – Exploring Plant Consciousness

Plant Spirit Shamanism – Exploring Plant Consciousness Host: Howard G. Charing Join Howard G. Charing, the “Medicine Hunter” Chris Kilham, Steve Beyer, and Sitaramaya of the Amazon Convergence, for this groundbreaking series where we will explore techniques to communicate with the plant world, accessing their…

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