Tag archive for unicorn

Ayahuasca Visions | Unicornio Dorado by Pablo Amaringo

Unicornio Dorado (The Golden Unicorn) by Pablo Amaringo Here we can see two ceremonies, one on each side of the picture. The ceremony on the left is with indigenous and mestizo people (of mixed ancestry), and on the right there are highly educated, cultivated people,…

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Yana Yacumama by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Prints

  Yana Yacumama This is the black anaconda, an intrepid boa which attacks anything that threatens it. It is madre of the enchanted cocha brava seen here and makes people afraid to hunt or fish in the area; for this reason all kinds of animals…

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Hada de Pero Nuga by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Prints

Hada de Pero Nuga Nuga was a queen from the court of ancient Mesopotamia, also known as Naqi’a. She had complete mastery of the healing arts. Here she is teaching shamans to use colours, shapes and sounds – all of which are symmetrical patterns of…

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Auca Yachai by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Prints

Auca Yachai – Sabiduria Indigena This picture conveys the diverse knowledge that Amazonian people have of plants including both medicinal properties and their value as a food resource. This has accumulated over centuries through communion with plant spirits, drinking ayahuasca and dieting. By chanting the…

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Unicornio Dorado by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Prints

Unicornio Dorado – The Golden Unicorn Here we can see two ceremonies, one on each side of the picture. The ceremony on the left is with indigenous and mestizo people (of mixed ancestry), and on the right there are highly educated, cultivated people, scholars and…

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