Tag archive for samanism

Dezvoltarea si Explorarea conexiunii cu Constiinta (sau Spiritul) plantelorDeveloping and Exploring your connection to the Consciousness (or Spirit) of Plants

Noi oamenii avem o relatie speciala cu plantele si depindem de plante. Inca de la inceputurile noastre , acestea au fost sursa-atat directa, cat si indirecta- a hranei noastre , a adapostului nostru , medicamentele noastre , combustibilul nostru , hainele noastre , si ,…

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The Continuum of Life – Pre-Birth ExistenceContinuum-ul vieții – Existența inaintea nașterii

In the late 1980s I was drawn to the work of John-Richard Turner an American psychotherapist who had developed a method to explore your life from the moment of conception to your birth. During this period many of our inherent and prevalent emotional patterns that…

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Words are loaded with meaning, light is often a synonym for ‘good’ and dark is a synonym for ‘bad’. We all have elements of the dark and light within ourselves, it is interplay of energy, most exemplified by the ancient symbol of the Yin and…

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The Unifying Power of MusicPuterea Unificatoare a Muzicii

“There will come a time when a diseased condition will not be described as it is today by the physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one would speak of a piano that was out of tune.” Rudolf Steiner…

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Howard’s Newsletter – Aprilie 2014 Română

  HOWARD G. CHARING www.shamanism.cc hgc@shamanism.cc Tel: (40) 721 131960 Introducere Bun venit la al treilea newsletter şi mulţumesc pentru feedback-urile voastre. Am actualizat periodic secţiunea de blog a website-ului. Ediţiile anterioare ale newsletter-ului lunar vor fi adăugate la blog. 1. Tabăra de şamanism cu…

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