Tag archive for plant diet

Dezvoltarea si Explorarea conexiunii cu Constiinta (sau Spiritul) plantelorDeveloping and Exploring your connection to the Consciousness (or Spirit) of Plants

Noi oamenii avem o relatie speciala cu plantele si depindem de plante. Inca de la inceputurile noastre , acestea au fost sursa-atat directa, cat si indirecta- a hranei noastre , a adapostului nostru , medicamentele noastre , combustibilul nostru , hainele noastre , si ,…

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Ayahuasca Retreats – by the River at our Retreat Centre

Taking it nice and easy on the deck of Mishana Retreat Centre looking at some boats on Rio Nanay. Mishana is in a national reserve. Video from Eagle’s Wing Ayahuasca Retreat. Visit our website for info on our Ayahuasca and Yoga Retreats in the Amazon

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