Tag archive for native art

Shipibo-Conibo Art Exhibition – ‘Una Ventana Hacia El Infinito’ at the ICPNA, Lima Peru in 2002

Shipibo-Conibo Art Exhibition Catalogue – ‘Una Ventana Hacia El Infinito’ at the ICPNA, Lima Peru in 2002. To see photo my photo gallery of Shipibo art on Flickr; http://www.flickr.com/photos/hgcharing/sets/72157620132254791/

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The Shipibo and their beautiful Art and Crafts

The Shipibo people of the Upper Amazon in Peru, have a unique and complex form of visionary art. Underlying the intricate geometric patterns of great complexity displayed in the art of the Shipibo people is a concept of an all pervading magical reality which can…

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Shipibo – Conibo Art Exhibition, Lima Peru 2002 – ‘Una Ventana hacia el Infinito’

In 2002 the ICPNA held an exhibition called, ‘Una Ventana hacia el Infinito’ (A window into the infinite) of Shipibo – Conibo art in Lima. This is a video collage of photos I took at the exhibition. Soundtrack, Shipibo shaman Enrique Lopez chanting an Ayahuasca…

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