Tag archive for howard charing

Developing and Exploring your connection to the Consciousness (or Spirit) of Plants

We humans have a special relationship and dependence on plants. Since our beginnings, they have been the source both directly and indirectly of our food, our shelter, our medicines, our fuel, our clothing, and of course the very oxygen that we breathe. This is common…

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The Continuum of Life – Pre-Birth Existence

In the late 1980s I was drawn to the work of John-Richard Turner an American psychotherapist who had developed a method to explore your life from the moment of conception to your birth. During this period many of our inherent and prevalent emotional patterns that…

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Words are loaded with meaning, light is often a synonym for ‘good’ and dark is a synonym for ‘bad’. We all have elements of the dark and light within ourselves, it is interplay of energy, most exemplified by the ancient symbol of the Yin and…

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