- Posted by shamanism
- in Ajo Sacha
- Tagged with Ajo Sacha, amazon rainforest, ayahuasca, ayahuasca visions, camalonga, cat's claw, chullachaqui caspi, coca, coca divination, dennis mckenna, doctrine of signatures, Entheogens, healing, healing with plants, herbal healing, herbs, howard g charing, mocura, pablo amaringo, peru, pinon colorado, plant spirit medicine, plant spirit shamanism, pusanga, remocaspi, Rosa Sisa, sacred plants, san pedro, shaman, shaman's diet, shamanism, una de gato, visionary plants
In Plant Spirit Shamanism, the authors explore the use of one of the major allies of shamans for healing, seeing, dreaming, and empowerment–plant spirits. After observing great similarities in the use of plants among shamans throughout the world, they discovered the reason behind these similarities: Rather…
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