- Posted by shamanism
- in amazon river, ancient wisdom, andean curandera, andes, archaeological sites, ayahuasca, cactus, Camalonga, Chavín de Huantar, Chiric Sanango, Chullachaqui Caspi, coca, coca divination, coca leaf, curandera, curandero, cuzco, divination, Entheogens, Erythroxylum, hallucinogenic, Healers, healing, healing with plants, herbs, howard g charing, huachuma, icaros, inca, inca empire, iquitos, javier arevalo, las huaringas, leo rutherford, medicinal plants, medicine for the soul, Mesa Norteña, mocura, music, ofrenda, pachacuti, Pachamama, peru, peter cloudsley, Piñon Colorado, plant spirit medicine, plant spirit shamanism, pucallpa, Q'ero, Quechua, sacred chants, sacred plants, san pedro, shamanism, shamans of peru, shipibo, shipibo shaman, singado, south america, spirit, spiritual, teacher plants, travel in peru, Uncategorized
- Tagged with amazon, andean curandero, andes, ayahuasca, ayahuasca ceremony, cactus, ceremony, coca, coca leaf, cusco, cuzco, healing, howard g charing, huachuma, icaros, inca, javier arevalo, las huaringas, Mesa Norteña, music, pachacuti, Pachamama, peru, peter cloudsley, plant spirit shamanism, sacred lakes, sacred music, sacred sound, san pedro, shaman, shamans of peru, shipibo, south america, visionary plants
THE SHAMANS OF PERU CD Ceremonial Chants, Icaros, and Music Shamans of Peru – Recorded on Eagle’s Wing Journeys to Peru Contains chants and dramatic effects of six different ceremonies with shamans who have worked with Eagle’s Wing Groups. Two ceremonies with San Pedro maestros…
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