Posted by shamanism in alternative medicine , amazon rainforest , andean curandera , andes , ayahuasca , cactus , coca , coca divination , coca leaf , curandera , curandero , Eagle's Wing , hallucinogenic , Healers , healing , healing with plants , herbs , howard g charing , icaros , inca , iquitos , juan navarro , medicinal plants , medicine for the soul , mishana , peru , plant spirit medicine , plant spirit shamanism , sacred chants , sacred plants , san pedro , shamanic healing , shamanic journey , shamanism , shamans of peru , shipibo , south america , spirit , spiritual , spiritual retreat , teacher plants Tagged with amazon rainforest , andes , ayahuasca , ayahuasca retreats , cactus , peru , plant spirit shamanism , plants , sacred , san pedro , shamanism , shamans
A video clip gallery of shamans from Peru , who have worked with us on the Eagle’s Wing Retreats since the late 90’s. Soundtrack of Shipibo Shaman (Enrique Lopez) chanting an Icaro.