Pablo Amaringo Art on Sedona Journal of Emergence July 2014 Issue

Nukño Machashka (Dulce Vision) by Pablo Amaringo   SEDONA JOURNAL 2014.07_coverHere you can see pure joy emanating from a chant below and the effect it has in other spiritual dimensions shown in the spheres above. When the spirits begin to chant, it is not only audible in one place; their song is heard throughout creation. Music is very special, it is the expression of joy; it can imbue you with the flame of passion. All that has been brought into existence, the stars and the cosmos, is created by music and sound. As it influences our thinking and emotions deeply, we should listen to music that inspires our highest humanity. This painting is featured in the book ‘The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo’ . To view and purchase fine art prints of Pablo’s visionary art visit click on link.