Noi oamenii avem o relatie speciala cu plantele si depindem de plante. Inca de la inceputurile noastre , acestea au fost sursa-atat directa, cat si indirecta- a hranei noastre , a adapostului nostru , medicamentele noastre , combustibilul nostru , hainele noastre , si , desigur, chiar a oxigenului pe care il respiram . Acest lucru este cunoscut de toata lumea si in general e luat drept garantat.
Cu toate acestea, in cultura noastra occidentala vedem plantele ca fiind semi – neinsufletite , lipsite de forta animatoare pe care o denumim suflet , minte , sau spirit. Multi oameni ii ridiculizeaza si ii considera excentrici pe aceia care vorbesc direct si spun ca ei comunica cu plantele.
Cea mai mare provocare pentru un occidental care cauta aceasta comuniune cu plantele este aceea de a accepta ca exista si o alta ordine a realitatii, non- materiala, pe care o persoana o poate experimenta prin intrarea in constiinta plantelor, iar pentru a face acest lucru e necesar un salt semnificativ al imaginatiei.
Cum putem intra intr-o comuniune ( in adevaratul sens al cuvantului ), cu constiinta plantelor ? Acest lucru poate fi intr-adevar dificil , intrucat in cultura noastra am uitat de mult aceasta intelegere si cunoastere. Cu toate acestea , putem invata de la acele popoare care traiesc inca in paradigma comunicarii dintre oameni si plante. Corpul de practici cunoscut sub numele de ” dieta ” in samanismul amazonian deschide usa catre aceasta lume.
Dieta este o disciplina complexa si care aduce provocari si e necesara samanilor Amazoniei , care doresc sa invete direct de la spiritele plantelor . Dieta implica mult mai mult decat simplele restrictii alimentare de a evita sarea , zaharul , carnea si alcoolul . De asemenea, inseamna abtinerea de la ganduri libidinoase si de la activitatea sexuala . Dieta ar trebui sa fie efectuata in mod izolat , fara activitati sociale si de stimulare . Aceasta atenuare a instinctelor noastre primare umane ne cultiva pentru a deveni mai mult asemenea plantelor, in acest fel incorporand constiinta plantelor in a noastra pentru a accesa cunoasterea data de plante . Acest lucru se intampla atunci cand samanul invata cantecele Icaros care invoca puterea plantelor si modul de utilizare a plantelor pentru vindecare.
Exercitiu: Dezvoltarea si explorarea conexiunii tale cu Spiritele Plantelor
Culturile traditionale considera plantele ca fiind vii si constiente . Desi aceasta viziune asupra lumii este ridiculizata in cultura noastra occidentala , multi dintre noi inca mai simt si sunt constienti de o conexiune spirituala cu lumea plantelor , si cauta modalitati de a crea o legatura profunda cu aceasta.
Prima si probabil cea mai importanta cheie in dezvoltarea relatiei cu spiritul sau mintea plantei ( si ceea ce va ajuta intr-adevar la ” deschiderea usii ” , adica face conectarea sa functioneze ) , este o atitudine benigna – a avea bune intentii si sentimente fata de plante . In plus, mintea noastra rationala si gandirea logica nu ne este un aliat in acest demers, asa ca evitati analizarea si incercarea de a intelege rational ceea ce se intampla. Mergeti cu sentimentele voastre, aveti incredere in sentimentele voastre – nu le respingeti.
In multe privinte, aceasta este o abordare pentru a percepe lumea din jurul nostru intr-un mod nou si diferit . Cand eram copii , lumea pe care o percepeam era noua si proaspata. Pe masura ce am crescut, lumea a pierdut prospetimea si noutatea ei -ca sa spunem asa , astfel incat atunci cand intram in comuniunea cu plantele, aceasta este o modalitate de a evoca acest mod ca de copil de a percepe lumea , cu o viziune noua si curata, pe care multi dintre noi am pierdut-o in vartejul sau in banalitatea vietii.
Constiinta sau spiritul plantei comunica cu noi atunci cand suntem intr-o stare relaxata , ca de usoara transa sau de visare. Deci, persoana care are dorinta de a comunica cu planta , trebuie sa stie cum sa intre intr -o stare de constiinta extinsa.
Miscarea intr-o stare modificata de constiinta poate fi avea loc cu usurinta , de exemplu, prin a merge la o plimbare in padure sau intr-un parc ; mergeti intr-un ritm lent si constant . Treptat ritmul acestei miscari lente si constante va va aduce intr-o stare de constiinta modificata, sau extinsa . Cand simtiti aceasta schimbare subtila , ridicati-va ochii si priviti in jur . Permiteti-va sa fiti atras de orice copac, tufis, sau planta care va atrage atentia ; este posibil sa traiti aceasta atractie asemanator cu o usoara tragere catre acolo.
Acum mergeti la planta si stati cu planta. Folositi-va toate facultatile senzoriale si tactile pentru a va angaja in relatie cu planta.
Vizual – Studiati forma plantei . Poate ca planta creste solitara sau este intr- un grup . Priviti la forma frunzelor ; priviti la spatiile ( formele din interiorul formelor ) dintre frunze si ramuri . Acesta din urma este o parte dintr-o practica numita „gazing” (a privi indelung, a fixa cu privirea), care ofera o modalitate de a percepe tiparele si modelele din afara formelor consensual convenite.
Mirosul – nervii nostri olfactivi merg direct in acea zona a creierului numita sistemul limbic . Sistemul limbic este, de asemenea , denumit creierul nostru ” primitiv ” , intrucat structura sa este „sub” functiile lingvistice si ” mai inalte ” ale cortexului cerebral . Sistemul limbic este sediul emotiilor noastre primare si al nevoilor primare . Simtul mirosului este singurul nostru simt care are acest acces la mintea noastra primara sau inconstienta . Inspirati mirosul plantei si permiteti oricaror sentimente , amintiri , imagini si asociatii sa apara si fiti cu aceasta experienta.
Tactil – simtul nostru tactil . Miscati usor mana spre planta , poate puteti discerne o miscare , ori simti o legatura intre campurile respective de energie -cea a voastra si cea a plantei . Atingeti planta , frunzele sau coaja sa cu degetele . Este posibil sa simtiti fluxul de energie din interiorul plantei , in pamant , si in sus, in cer .
Gustul – Puneti o bucatica foarte mica din planta pe limba si gustati cu blandete. Gustul poate fi amar , iute , dulce , acru , sau patrunzator . Gustul poate ca va atrage , poate sa fie neutru , sau poate va respinge . Acest degustare va va da o indicatie despre caracterul sau ” personalitatea ” plantei . Fiti prudenti cu aceasta practica , deoarece exista plante care sunt toxice, nu mancati si nu inghititi planta.
Dupa ce ati completat aceste practici (care fac parte din ” dieta de plante ” a ucenicului vindecarii cu plante din Amazonia) acordati-va ceva timp pentru a medita sau faceti o calatorie samanica pentru a intalni spiritul sau constiinta plantei cu care ati lucrat.
We humans have a special relationship and dependence on plants. Since our beginnings, they have been the source both directly and indirectly of our food, our shelter, our medicines, our fuel, our clothing, and of course the very oxygen that we breathe. This is common knowledge and in general we take if for granted. Yet we view plants in our Western culture as semi-inanimate, lacking the animating force labelled soul, mind, or spirit. Many people ridicule and regard as eccentric those who speak up and say they communicate with plants.
The biggest challenge for a Westerner undertaking this communion with the plants is to accept that there is another order of non-material reality that a person can experience through his entrance into plant consciousness, and to do this requires a significant leap of the imagination.
How can we enter into a communion (in the true sense of the word) with the plant consciousness? This can indeed be difficult, as we in our culture have long forgotten this understanding and body of knowledge. However we can learn from those peoples who still live within the paradigm of human and plant communication. The body of practices, known as the ‘diet’ in Amazonian shamanism opens the door to this world.
The diet is a complex and challenging discipline required of Amazonian shamans, who wish to learn directly from the plant spirits. It implies much more than mere dietary restrictions of avoiding salt, sugar, meat, and alcohol. It also means refraining from libidinous thoughts and sexual activity. The diet should be carried out in isolation without any social activities and stimulation. This attenuation of our primal human instincts cultivates us to become more ‘plant like’ thereby incorporating the plant consciousness into ours to access the knowledge given by plants. This is where the shaman learns the icaros to invoke the power of the plants and how to use the plant for healing.
An Exercise: Developing and exploring your connection to the Plant Spirits
Traditional cultures regard plants as being alive, and conscious. Although this world view is ridiculed in our Western culture, many of us still feel and are aware of a spiritual connection to the world of plants, and search for ways to create a profound connection with the Plant Kingdom.
The first and possibly the most important key in developing your relationship with the Plant Spirit or mind (and what really helps to ‘open the door’ ie. makes the connection work), is a benign attitude and to have good intentions and feelings towards the plant. In addition our rational logical thinking mind is not in ally in this endeavour, so avoid analysing and rationally trying to understand what is happening. Go with your feelings, trust your feelings – don’t dismiss them.
In many respects this is an approach to perceive the world around us in a new and different way. When we were children, the world we perceived was novel and in a way untarnished. As we grew up the world lost its freshness and novelty so to speak, so when you enter into the communion with the plants this is a way to evoke that child-like manner of perceiving the world with a new and pristine vision that many of us have lost in the maelstrom or banality of life.
The plant consciousness or spirit, communicates with us when we are in relaxed, gentle trance-like, or dream state. So the person, who holds the desire to commune with the plant, needs to know how to move into an altered state.
Moving into an altered state of consciousness can be achieved gently, for example by going out in forests, woodlands, or a park; and walk at a slow and steady pace. Gradually the rhythm of this slow and steady movement will bring you into an altered or heightened state of awareness. When you feel or sense this subtle shift, lift up your eyes and look around. Allow yourself to be drawn to whatever tree, bush, or plant attracts your attention; you may experience this attraction as akin to a little ‘tug’.
Now go and sit with the plant. Use all your sensory and tactile faculties to engage with the plant.
Visual – Study the shape and form of the plant. Maybe the plant grows alone or is in a cluster. Look at the form of the leaves; look at the spaces (the forms within the forms) between the leaves and branches. The latter is part of a practice called gazing, which offers a way to perceive patterns outside the consensually agreed shapes and forms.
Smell – Our olfactory nerves go directly into the region of the brain called the limbic system. The limbic system is also called our ‘primitive’ brain, as its structure is below the linguistic and ‘higher’ functions of the cerebral cortex. The limbic system is the location of our primal (primate) emotions, and primal needs. The sense of smell is our only sense which has this access to our primal or unconscious mind. Breath in the fragrance of the plant, allow any feelings, memories, images, and associations to arise and experienced.
Tactile – our sense of touch. Gently move your hand towards the plant, maybe you can discern a movement, or sense a connection between the respective fields of energy, yours and that of the plant. Touch the plant, leaves or bark with your fingers. It is possible that you may sense the flow of energy within the plant, into the earth, and up into the sky.
Taste – Place a very small piece of the plant against your tongue and gently taste it. The taste may be acrid, bitter, hot, sweet, sour, or sharp. The taste may attract, be neutral, or repel you. This tasting will give you an indication of its character or ‘personality’. Exercise caution with this practice as there plants that are toxic, do not eat or swallow the plant.
When you have completed these practices (which form part of the Amazonian plant apprenticeship ‘plant diet’) take some time to meditate or embark on a shamanic journey to encounter the spirit or consciousness of the plant you have been working with.