Archive for shamans of peru

Encounter With an Amazonian Ayahuasca Shaman

The Ayahuasca article with an interview of the shaman Javier Arevalo by Howard G Charing & Peter Cloudsley appeared in ‘Healing Today’ Magazine August 2001. The article was published with its original title and without the girls in bikinis and serenading guitar players!

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Medicinal and Shamanic Plants of the Amazon – my Photo Gallery on Flickr

Medicinal and Shamanic Plants of Peru, a set on Flickr. I’ve been adding more photos from the archives.

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Shamans of Peru CD – Review in Sacred Hoop Magazine

  Sacred Hoop Magazine – Review of the Shamans of Peru: Sacred Chants, Icaros, and Ceremonial Music CD. Reviewed in Issue 36, Spring 2002  

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Various Artists | Shamans of Peru | Downloadable on the Web

Various Artists | Shamans of Peru | CD Baby. The haunting, plaintive music of Peruvian shamans was recorded at ceremonies in the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon rainforest. The chants and icaros have an organic relationship to the medicine plants, and are primarily intended as…

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Ceremonial Chants, Music and Ayahuasca Icaros | Shamans of Peru CD Ceremonial Chants, Music and Ayahuasca Icaros | Shamans of Peru CD

Shamans of Peru – MP3 Download from the Web The beautiful, plaintive music of Peruvian shamans was recorded at ceremonies in the Andean mountains and the Amazon rainforest. The chants and icaros have an organic relationship to the medicine plants, and are primarily intended as…

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Shamans of Peru – Photo Gallery

Shamans of Peru, a set on Flickr. A Photo Gallery of some of the Peruvian Shamans that we have worked with over the years.

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Interviews with Shipibo Ayahuasca Shamans – Part 1

Interviews with three Shipibo Shamans, Benjamin Ochavano, Leoncio Garcia, and Enrique Lopez by Howard G Charing and Peter Cloudsley

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Love, Magic, and the Vine of the Soul – Interview With Amazonian Shaman Javier Arevalo

An interview titled ‘Love, Magic, and the Vine of the Soul’. Amazonian shaman Javier Arevalo interviewed by Howard g Charing, and Peter Cloudsley. This article first appeared in Sacred Hoop Magazine issue 36 in 2002

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The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo – Encanto Rumi

This stone is forged in space and brought down to earth when summoned by the sumiruna (the highest grade of shaman) for initiating his disciples in voyaging to other galaxies. The sumirunas below are learning how to receive spiritual fire and how to withstand extreme…

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The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo – Ondas de la Ayahuasca

Ondas de la Ayahuasca – Waves of Ayahuasca At the top of the picture the sun radiates brilliant waves. As the source of all life on earth, the sun represents the blessings of the divine celestial pattern, the ultimate source of all life in the…

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