Archive for paintings

The Exquisite Geometric Art of the Shipibo: Catalogue

An inventory of my collection of Shipibo Artisan work. I have been collecting for many years and there are some exemplary pieces in the collection. I’ve assembled an 80 page catalogue of their beautiful work. It is time to get these wonderful textiles and artisan…

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The ‘Cow Parade’ in Lima

The ‘Cow Parade’ in Lima, a set on Flickr. In 2009 the ‘Cow Parade’ arrived in Lima, here is a set on Flickr of my pics of the vacas, taken in Barranco (where I was living) and in Miraflores. It really was a fun exhibition…

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The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo – Encanto Rumi

This stone is forged in space and brought down to earth when summoned by the sumiruna (the highest grade of shaman) for initiating his disciples in voyaging to other galaxies. The sumirunas below are learning how to receive spiritual fire and how to withstand extreme…

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The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo – Ayari Warmi

Ayari Warmi – The Elegant Garment of a Woman The picture reveals the eternal mystery of the feminine. When a woman works with the spirit of ayahuasca and other plants, her radiant spiritual purity appears in the vision embellished and garlanded with beautiful flowers. Just…

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The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo – Ondas de la Ayahuasca

Ondas de la Ayahuasca – Waves of Ayahuasca At the top of the picture the sun radiates brilliant waves. As the source of all life on earth, the sun represents the blessings of the divine celestial pattern, the ultimate source of all life in the…

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The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo – El Principio de la Vida

El Principio de la Vida – The Principle or Beginning of Life Summary narrative This painting explores the mystical beginning of life which can be accessed through drinking ayahuasca. The upper portion of the painting signifies that life exists throughout the cosmos. Universes inside universes,…

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Shamanic Illuminations – Work by Pablo Amaringo, Alex Grey. and Mieshiel at the ACA Gallery

Advert in the New York Observer Shamanic Illuminations The Art of Pablo Amaringo, Alex Grey and Mieshiel September 15 through October 22 Opening Reception and Book Signing Thursday, September 15 – 5-8 pm

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Pablo Amaringo reading interview

Pablo Amaringo reading interview Originally uploaded by Howard G Charing

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Pablo Amaringo – Interview and Foreword

Foreword by Pablo Amaringo, to the book ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’. Pablo Amaringo is one of the world’s great visionary artists. He is renowned for his highly complex, colourful and intricate paintings inspired by his visions from when he was an Ayahuasca shaman. He trained as…

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Visionary Art & Ayahuasca Workshop with Pablo Amaringo

UPDATED POST MARCH 31st 2012  Announcing an Ayahuasca & Visionary Art Retreat – November 2012. Click on Link below for full information;

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